How do I create a custom template for a certificate of completion for a Catalog course or program?
As a Catalog admin, you can create a custom certificate for a Catalog course or program. Certificates must be in HTML/CSS format and can be customized with some supported variables, such as "Congratulations, {{student_name}}!"
To customize a certificate, you can use the following supported variables in your template:
- student_name: The name of the student
- catalog_name: The name of the school or institution
- catalog_logo: The URL of your catalog logo. Usage: <img src="{{catalog_logo}}" />
- award_name: The name of the certificate
- completion_date: The date of completion
- expiration_date: The date the certificate expires
- enrollment_date: The date of enrollment
- credits: The credits, points, or CEUs awarded to the student.
Select Custom Template

Add Custom Template Details

To select the orientation for the template, click the Orientation drop-down menu [1].
To enter custom code, enter HTML/CSS code or paste a link to an external template file in the Custom HTML/CSS field [2].
Sample HTML/CSS for a Custom Certificate
border: 6px double black;
height: 544px;
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 100px 20px 0;
font-family:san serif;
font-size: 2em;
h1,h2,h3,h4,h5{margin:0 0 0.25em}
<div class="container">
<img src="{{catalog_logo}}" /><p>
<h4>awards this</h4>
Click to copy
Enter HTML/CSS code for a custom certificate.
Preview Certificate

To preview a certificate, click the Preview icon.