How do I create custom email templates for a catalog or subcatalog using the Storefront Theme Editor?
As a Catalog admin, if the Storefront Theme Editor has been enabled for your account, you can create create custom email templates for your catalogs and subcatalogs.
You can also customize email branding using HTML.
If custom email branding is not created for a subcatalog, it inherits the parent catalog email branding.
Open Admin

Click the User Name drop-down menu [1]. Then, click the Admin link [2].
Open Customizations

Click the Customizations tab.
Create Message Templates

The catalog's email template customization links display in the Themes menu.
You can create the following email templates:
- Registration Email [1]: sent when a user successfully registers for a Catalog account.
- Enrollment Email [2]: sent when a user is successfully enrolled in a catalog course or program.
- Listing Completion Email [3]: sent when a student completes all course or program requirements.
- Failed Payment Email [4]: sent when a user's payment is not processed.
- Certificate Email [5]: sent when a student receives a certificate after completing course or program listing requirements.
- Waitlist Invite Email [6]: sent when a waitlisted student can enroll in a course or program.
- Enrollment Invite Email [7]: sent when someone invites a user to a course or program purchased in bulk.
- Bulk Purchase Email [8]: sent when a user claims multiple seats through bulk purchase.
Open Email Template
Locate the email template you want to create, and click the email template link [1]. Then, click the Create Email button [2].
Create Email Template
View the template email name and description [1].
Add the email subject in the Subject field [2].
Enter the title that appears at the top of the email in the Headline field [3].
Create the body of the email in the text editor [4]. Learn about using the email text editor.
Enter a name for the call-to-action button that displays at the bottom of the email in the Action Button Text field [5].
Open Email Preview

Click the Preview button.
View Email Preview

View the email in the Preview Email window [1]. To close the preview window, click the Close button [2].
Send Test Email

Click the Send Email button.
Send Email

Your email address displays [1]. Click the Send Email button [2].
Save Email

To save your email template as a draft, click the Save Draft button [1].
To save and publish your email template, click the Save & Publish button [2].
View Saved Email Notification

After you successfully save and publish the email template, the saved email notification displays.