How can I leave a review for a resource in Commons?
You can leave a review for a resource in Commons. Reviews are a way for users to evaluate the quality of a resource. A few things you might consider when evaluating a resource:
- Did you use this resource in your course?
- Do you think it improved student learning?
- Did you rely on this resource for content delivery, evaluation, etc.?
- To enable Commons in your Canvas instance, please contact your Customer Success Manager.
- Commons is available in all Free for Teacher (FFT) accounts. Free for Teacher users are limited to finding, importing, and sharing public resources.
Open Commons

In Global Navigation, click the Commons link.
Find Resource
To locate a resource in Commons, use the search field [1].
To sort content by relevance, date, number of downloads, or number of favorites, click the Sort by drop-down menu [2].
To filter search results by approved content, type of content, grade/level, and sharing settings, click the Filter button [3]. Learn more about searching in Commons.
Open Resource

To review content, click the resource title.
Note: Resources can be opened in a new tab by pressing Command (Mac) or Control (PC) while clicking the resource name in the Search page, or, by right clicking the name of the resource.
View Details Tab

In the resource details page, click the Details tab.
Submit Review

Write a review in the text field [1]. The maximum character limit for reviews is 1000 characters.
Click the Submit button when you're done [2].
Edit or Delete Your Review

To edit your review, click the Edit link [1]. To delete your review, click the Delete link [2].