HTML file not rendering (404 error; JS files unauthorized)

Community Member

Hi everyone, 

I hope I can explain the issue correctly as I lack the technical knowledge.

In our institution we have been struggling with the following issues: Until recently we could open an HTLM file (built with Quarto) with no issues in a Canvas course. After a while, it stopped working and the HTML does not render well anymore. From the inspector, I can see that there are a lot of files (js.) that cannot be loaded and it gives an unauthorized error.

We tested it with other packages in the same Canvas account and it renders well. The issue seems to be only with two packages. We also tested it outside of Canvas, and we have no problems. In the screenshots, you can see a comparison from the inspector between the package that renders well and the one that doesn't. Any ideas of what could be causing this or how to solve it? Any tips are welcome! 

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