[Notifications] More granularity in notifications sent out by Canvas from the Zoom LTI

Problem statement:

Right now, I do not have the ability to specify when I want Notifications to go out for meetings created by the Zoom LTI. Although the Zoom LTI is creating a notification, it is Canvas which is actually sending the notification to Students. This is a problem for courses, which are used as an ongoing seminar course, were a student only needs to attend one seminar via Zoom, but we have to continuously add new zoom offerings. This means that past students are constantly being notified of new offerings, when they don't want or care to know, once they attend one of the offerings.

Proposed solution:

Add ability (at the course or section level) to stop notifications from going for certain actions. For example, when a new Zoom Meeting is added. I envision this being something a teacher or designer would have the ability to set. It also would be nice if it could be toggled, to turn on or off. For example, we'd still want notifications to go, when a person registers for a specific meeting. So, it would be nice, if it could be granular to that level. If not, then if we could just toggle it off, when we are creating Zoom Meeting Offerings, then just toggle it back on, once the new sessions were added, would work.

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