[Peer Review] Have two due dates for peer review assignments

For assignments that are setup for peer review, it would be useful to have two different due dates:
  • One for the students initial submission that will be reviewed by their peers
  • A second one for completing assigned peer reviews


In the current implementation, there is only one due date, which appears to be the due date for a students initial submission.  I infer this from the fact that it is the default date for assigning peer reviews to students.  From what my students have told them, once peer reviews are assigned they show up on their to-do list, but are already late since the due date is the only date for the assignment.


I think a clearer implementation would be to have an additional due date for the peer reviews, so that they don't appear to be late as soon as they are assigned.

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Community Novice

Two due dates might also be useful in discussions. Some instructors have a due date for initial post and another due date for subsequent participation in the discussion.

Community Contributor

We've been using the due date as the date when the reviews are due, not the initial one. But we also have instructor manually assign the reviews.

Community Novice

I would also like for peer reviews to be connected to groups. That is, if the students are in groups they would only receive a peer review assignment for someone else in the same group.

Community Champion

Hi  @woodsdm2 ​ - I've always thought the "Assign Reviews" date field is where to create the second, Peer Review due date (How do I create a peer review Assignment? ). Does this not work for your students?

Community Contributor

Well, I just re-read the Guide for this and you may be right.  I had taken that to be the date when the reviews would be assigned to students for them to complete, thinking that this would give the instructor an chance to review student submissions before releasing them for peer reviews.

IF this is actually the due date for the reviews, then it would be helpful to rename the "Assign Reviews" field to something like "Review Due Date" and clarify in the documentation.

This is our first year on Canvas and I'm finding that I have the odd problem that for most things, the user interface is completely clear, but then there are a couple of things that don't work the way I expect them to work!

Community Champion

You're right - "Assign Reviews" is definitely not as clear as it should be! I'd second a name-change for that field.

Welcome aboard! We all encounter those odd/quirky issues now and again, but I think you'll find this community is a great place to bring questions for some creative crowdsourced solutions. 🙂

Community Novice

Is that right? It doesn't make sense. If I manually assign reviews I am assigning a person to a person. The students need a date when they know that will happen.

In any case, it is a mess. We need a date when the paper is due, a date when the professor or Canvas will tell each student whom to review, a date when the review is due, and (I would like) a date when the re-written paper is due.

And I would like to connect this with groups so that reviews are assigned only within groups.

Community Contributor

I was surprised to hear there was an "Assign Reviews" date. I checked on it--it only appears if you have the system automatically assign reviewers. That is, it's strictly when the system does something, so it only work for auto-assigned and it probably isn't shown to students. So far, all faculty I've worked with manually assign reviews on a specified day (listed in the instructions), so that date hasn't been used.


Community Champion

Hi  @ewakeman ​ -

I think I see what you're saying. Of the 4 dates you've identified, Canvas currently handles 2 (paper due date and Peer Review due date). The 3rd (I'll call it the "date of assignment of Peer Reviews") is more interesting to me. If I'm manually assigning Peer Reviews, I think I might just stipulate this in my Assignment instructions (as it looks like  @annmarie_johnso ​'s faculty do). If I'm having Canvas automatically assign Peer Reviews, my understanding is that a student's Peer Reviews get assigned as soon as the student has submitted his/her own Assignment (up to the Assignment due date).

As for adding a "resubmit" due date and connecting Peer Reviews with Groups: I would love to see those as further feature requests!

Community Novice

Like others, I had always assumed the "assign peer reviews" date to be when the reviews would be assigned to students – NOT the date by when the peer review needed to be done. Further clarity would be helpful in this area, as well as other suggestions listed elsewhere to designate that peer reviews should only be assigned within a group, or NOT within the person's group. I can think of reasons why I'd want to assign it either way, and currently can only control this by manual assignment.