[Permissions] Allow Course Designers to Edit Quizzes

Instructure has decided that course designers should not be able to create or edit New Quizzes. The purpose of the designer role is to create and maintain course content, so making designers unable to create or maintain a major type of content makes the role nearly useless.

Added to Theme

Community Participant

Agreed. If there is a role 'designer' or 'course designer' they should be able to create, edit or update New Quizzes (if it is indeed the case that they cannot).

Community Member

Please make this adjustment Canvas, leaving out New Quizzes from the Designer role is very short-sighted.

Community Explorer

Please include my vote to change this setting so New Quizzes can be edited by the Designer role. This seems counterintuitive as it is now. 



Community Member

Why wouldn't a designer, someone who designs courses, be able to edit or create the content of a quiz?  This function is vital to our school.  We do not want to give our designers admin rights.  Please fix it.

Community Explorer

Agreed that this option just makes the most sense and goes with what Steph said as the first comment.  Please add this.


As a workaround, you can currently add the individual twice, once as a designer and again as an instructor and they will then be able to access the build options of new quizzes.  Hope this helps.


Community Member

Our designers build all course content, including quizzes. Our instructors only facilitate the content provided to them. This is an essential feature needed for our designers. 

Community Member

I agree. In my University, the designer also helps to create the content of a quiz and to organize the items on the Item Banks. This actions are vital in my school.

The workaround that we implemented is to change the rol to Instructor to this designer. But when the course has students and is Active, this may cause a misunderstanding when they need to reach the Instructor by inbox and the name of the designer is also shown on the Instructors list.

Please make this adjustment! 😃

Community Champion

New quizzes should respect the same permissions that Classic Quizzes has.  Any role that can create/edit/delete a classic quiz should have the exact same permissions in New Quizzes.  I agree with all the comments made by others!

Community Contributor

@jbazzelle @erinhmcmillan Do either of you know if this feature will be added to New Quizzes before it's slated to replace Classic Quizzes?

Community Participant

I agree.  This needs to be fixed.  It makes no sense for Designers to not be able to use New Quizzes.