[Roles] Hide for student-based course roles the names for who last modified files or pages

Problem statement:

Students can see who modified or uploaded a file in Files and who created or modified a page in the list of course pages. This is problematic for some institutions that employ student workers to assist in creating and updating course content or fixing course content due to accessibility issues. It is mainly 1) a privacy law issue, especially in the EU, but 2) this is often something we don't want students to see for a myriad of other reasons. We also see the name column as unnecessary information in most cases - students neither care about nor need this information, but other course roles (teacher-based, TA, Designer, etc.) and the account (admin) roles find this useful and often necessary.

Proposed solution:

Hide the name column for student-based course roles, which show the names for who last modified files or pages. If a "hide for everyone" solution isn't feasible, then Instructure can make this column optional for accounts and sub-accounts to hide in the account settings page. If hiding is not possible, then I would like information from Instructure on the intended use of the name column for students. What do students really need this information for? We can't come up with any good arguments at our institution, especially in our context -- we follow GDPR strictly and see an increase in the use of student workers to edit Canvas content.

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Status changed to: Added to Theme

This idea has been added to the Provide more course-level controls to govern student behavior theme for further consideration.