[Rubrics] Warn User That Existing Comments Are Lost Upon Changing Assigned Rubric

Problem statement:

I'm part of the online learning support team at a university and ran into an issue with an instructor recently that I feel could've been avoided if the right info was provided to them prior to them making a change to their rubric. The instructor was grading an assignment using a rubric and found about halfway through the roster that the rubric being used was the incorrect one for that assignment. The correct rubric was provided to the instructor and after they applied it to the assignment, they found that their grades and comments were wiped out from the old rubric. They attempted to apply the old rubric to see if their original comments would be restored, but they were not.

Proposed solution:

I believe that a warning or pop up could be provided to a user changing an assigned rubric letting them know that any existing grades / comments will be cleared out if they change it. There are already warnings that pop up if a user tries to assign a rubric to multiple assignments, requiring that the user create a copy of the original before proceeding with applying the rubric. Even if Canvas doesn't have the ability to only provide the pop up when changing a rubric would clear out the grades / comments, having a blanket statement that alerts a user anytime they change the rubric that existing grades / comments will be lost in the process could save users a lot of frustration.

User role(s):


Community Team
Community Team
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