2022 Learning Services Teacher Appreciation Giveaway


2022 Learning Services Teacher Appreciation Giveaway

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!

We are so excited to celebrate you this week! Each day, Instructure’s Learning Services team will shower you with our gratitude for all that you do!


What’s Happening This Week?

Check out this incredible graphic to learn more about the opportunities available to you this week! Also, be sure to follow us on Twitter for more details on the daily giveaways!
2022 Teacher Appreciation Giveaway Schedule2022 Teacher Appreciation Giveaway Schedule


Monday, May 2nd

Instructure’s Beloved Educators

Instructure shares about our beloved educators on Twitter!

Tuesday, May 3rd

My Favorite Teacher

Share about your favorite teacher on Twitter for a chance to win a Canvas Training Webinar and a Canvascasters Prize Pack!

Wednesday, May 4th

Sending Warm Hugs

Send warm hugs (virtual hugs, high 5s, compliments) of support to educators on Twitter. You’ll be entered for a chance to win a Canvascasters Prize Pack, a year’s subscription to Calm, or a FREE Course Template!

Thursday, May 5th

School Spirit Day

Post pictures of teachers/students/admin. having fun at school today on Twitter! Your post could win you a Canvas Certified Educator Scholarship, a Canvas Coaching Session, or a Canvascasters Prize Pack!

Friday, May 6th

Thank You, From Instructure

Thank you for all you do to support our community. Check out this Teacher Appreciation wrap-up video on Twitter and our Teacher Appreciation Week celebration blogWe hope you feel loved and appreciated this week! You deserve it!


Final Thoughts

We hope you feel as important as you are; we are so proud of your commitment to your students and community! We can't go without saying how much you mean to us! Thanks for being a part of our family here at Instructure!

Please comment below. We’d love to hear from you!