Give multiple assignments zero for a grade at once

Community Member

Hi all,

We link to a 3rd party for our content - the 3rd party will autopopulate the grades in the Canvas gradebook for quizzes that are taken.  When the student doesn't complete the quiz, I have to manually put in a "0" for the quiz and I mark it as missing and put a comment that it wasn't submitted.  This wasn't a huge deal in my earlier classes that only took 5-6 quizzes per week, but I currently have a review class that has over 100 quizzes to complete so typing in zeroes for every student that doesn't do the quizzes is taking a lot of my time away from other things.  Is there a way to select multiple boxes to grade them the same (0) at the same time?  Or can you suggest a more efficient way to grade?  Thanks in advance!

Edited to add - the quizzes don't have a set due date in Canvas or in the 3rd party vendor.  The students are supposed to complete them by dates noted in the syllabus and module readings.  Students have the whole term to complete the assignments.