Inquiry on Mastery Path sequences for Assessment

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I am planning to create a Mastery Path for certain competencies and lesson but I am having trouble in the Path or sequences. My initial plan was to have a pretest, that will determine the path lesson or track. If the pretest was great it will proceed to the next module pretest if not, to the lesson about the competencies. After that, they will take a post-test, But the result of the post-test will again determine if the student will proceed to the next module pretest or retake the said module. But when, I am trying to put the path in the Posttest assessment, it would not allow a path to take the posttest again after the review of the lesson. Please HELP. I would appreciate a clarification about the matter and the insights that you would share. Thank you in advance

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Community Coach

Hey @reinard_anog1!

Sounds like you are on the right track. However, from my experience you can only have one source assignment (ie. pretest) for a Mastery Path.  Using a pretest and a post-test would be considered two source assignments for the same Mastery Path.

Here is a possible solution that combines Mastery Paths, Module Requirements, and Module Prerequisites:

Source Assignment

The source assignment is what students initially compete to release the conditional content of the Mastery Path. Consider making your pretest your post-test too.  If you do not want students to have the exact same questions, one or more item banks could be used. That way, each time the assessment is taken would be a different experience.  In the settings, make sure Allow multiple attempts is toggled on.

How do I create an item bank in New Quizzes? 

How do I manage item banks in New Quizzes? 


Module Requirements

There is only one requirement that needs to be added.  The content for the requirement is the source assignment with Score at least selected and set to a passing score.  Once this requirement is met, the prerequisite will be met for the next module to be unlocked.  Therefore, the score of the assessment will do two things.  1) It will release the appropriate conditional content based on score. 2) It will meet the requirements for the for completing the module with a passing score.

How do I add requirements to a module? 


Module Prerequisites

Module prerequisites are set so that one or more modules can be unlocked when the prerequisites are met. The prerequisites are met when the requirements for a specific module have been completed. In the image below, there are two modules. The requirements are set for the module named MP Sample. The requirement is listed below the title of the item. You can see to the right of the title of module MP Sample 2 that the prerequisite is set to MP Sample. This means that MP Sample 2 will be unlocked once the requirements for MP Sample are completed. You can also see that the text of the content items in the second module is gray instead of black.  Once the requirement of the first module has been completed, MP Sample 2 will be unlocked and the text will change to black to show it is now available to start.


 How do I add prerequisites to a module? 


Mastery Paths

Mastery Path settings might look something like the following image. 

  • I used pages for this example, but sounds like you would use assignments. 
  • I only used one page for each path, but you can have multiple items within a path if necessary.


If they scored well enough on the source assignment, the page MP 1 Completed would be the conditional content that would be released.  This is just a page saying congratulations and continue to the next module. This would meet the requirement for the module and the prerequisite would be met to unlock the next module.

If they scored poorly on the source assignment, the page called MP 1 Info would be conditionally released in the module. Once they reviewed this material (or completed the assignments), the student could retake the source assessment when they were ready.  If they do well the second time, the Info page would be replaced with the Completed page and the next module would unlock.  This would also work the same way if they had to take the source assessment multiple times until a passing score was achieved.

What are Mastery Paths? 

How do I use Mastery Paths in course modules? 

How do I add conditional content to a Mastery Path source item? 

How do I assign a conditional assignment for students to complete in Mastery Paths? 


I know this is a lot to think about and may require more than one reading.  It may sound difficult and there is a bit to think about to make this work. Based on your post, I think this will do what you are wanting.  If you have questions, reply to this post and I will be happy to answer what I can about this process.  When I put the sample modules together, it worked like a charm.


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