Need to check login volume for our instance for a particular time period

Community Explorer

Hi everyone--

I can't seem to figure out a way to see a login count for our entire instance for a given period of time. 

We had an SSO outage, and I'd like to do some number crunching to see what the impact was on our user base.

I want to be able to see what the login patterns look like for the outage period on Sunday and compare them to last Sunday.

Then I want to look at activity levels during those same times, week-on-week. I can get the activity in a chunky form that I think I can drill into. 

But, the authentication/login information doesn't seem to be available in a way that's useful, as far as I can see. At least, not without drilling into the Canvas Data files. 

If anyone knows a way to see this without sifting through Canvas Data--APIs, reports, some little pocket of Analytics--I'd appreciate it. 



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