Outcomes for Multiple Classes from Same CSV

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I am trying to import the same set of Outcomes into multiple classes that are not within the same section. I can upload the CSV just fine into one of the classes, but when I try to upload it again, I get an error that the outcome already exists in another class (see photo). However, I can't figure out how to access those outcomes within the second class. The "Find" feature does not show them, and the only import option is to upload the CSV, which just sends me more error messages. I even tried deleting the outcomes from the previous class, but I still cannot upload the outcomes into the new class.

I have extensively searched on this topic and cannot find any information on importing the same CSV into a different class. The classes are NOT in the same section (nor do I want them to be), and I do NOT have the ability to add outcomes to my account (only within the class itself). How can I use the same set of outcomes in both classes? 



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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @CherylLee314,

Using the example code found at the bottom of https://canvas.instructure.com/doc/api/file.outcomes_csv.html, I created a sample outcomes.csv file.

I then went into beta (which does not send email notifications) and I was able to upload the file into a blank course as an admin. When I went into another completely different course from a semester that has concluded, I experienced an error in that the "Parent group" was created but the "Child group" and "Learning Outcome" were not.

upload did work

outcome import worked.png


upload did not work

outcome import did not work.png


Based on that, I think you have discovered a bug (unless there is a problem with the sample data provided by Instructure/Canvas or unless outcomes are not able to be uploaded twice) you would need to report it directly to Instructure/Canvas for it to be resolved or for an answer.


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