Quiz options extremely confusing

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Does anyone else find the Canvas quiz options below extremely confusing? For example, if you tick the first box, but not the second it seems that the student answers don't appear, even though the first statement suggests that the answers will appear.

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Hi @Nick_Riches1,

The "let students see their quiz responses" option controls whether students would see what they answered for the quiz questions.  When checked, students can see their own answers, and when unchecked they cannot see what their own answer was.  The "only once after each attempt" option, when checked, means students could see their own answers only one time after each quiz submission, and when unchecked they could go back and see their own answers anytime.  The "let students see the correct answers" is an additional option that would not only let students see their own answer, but for things they answered incorrectly they'd see the correct answer as well.  Optionally, the correct answers can be shown only during a specific date range (maybe for a day or a week after the quiz was due, for example).  All of this is further explained in the  What options can I set in a quiz? - Instructure Community - 683  guide.

Things may be a bit confusing if you're new to Canvas classic quizzes, but most teachers at my institution seem to pick up on these options pretty quickly once they have given a quiz or two to students.

I hope the info helps you out a bit!  Let us know if you have further questions.


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