Trouble Accessing a Previous Course that I need to finish an Incomplete Credit

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I am currently trying to access a previous enrollment course that I have an incomplete credit for but the course does not come up at all when I look at past enrollments. I can see many of the courses that I've taken in the last 3 years but this course in particular is not appearing. I've talked to the teachers of this course and they have no control of who has access to the Canvas sites after the term that I was meant to complete this course. I'm not sure if there is someone I can reach out to or an appeal that I can make. I am in desperate need of access to this course content because if I do not finish this incomplete credit, I will not be graduating. So if there is anything that I need to do or someone I need to contact please let me know!

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You'd need to contact whoever your LMS Administrator is at your institution, usually this person is an employee of either your schools IT department, or in another department. I would try contacting IT first, if they aren't able to help, they should know who is. 





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