View graph of student participation

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I'm feeling dumb asking this question, but I only ever used this functionality at the end of a course to see a student's last attendance/participation as required for my final grade entries.

I used to be able to find (usually with a small amount of searching) a page on student activity in a course that gave me a graph of their grades, both entered by me and entered automatically for online assignments.

I believe showed the assignments on the y-axis, the dates on the x-axis, and the student's time spent and grade in the graph itself.  It would be cascading graph of "blobs" of green.

I accessed it either thru People or Gradebook.

This semester I cannot find that activity timeline graph anywhere.

Perhaps it is gone now with the New Analytics replacing it?

But I can't find what I want in New Analytics (not yet anyway).

Does anybody remember this graph and where it was found?

And is there anything similar that is still available?

Edit: I found a picture of the Graph that I mean on this page  How do I view analytics for a student in a course? - Instructure Community - 969 (

It is in the "View Submissions" section.



1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello @parmana,

I believe the most comparable feature in New Analytics would be You may also find useful information in the Individual Gradebook feature. It seems like the direct analog may not exist though.



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