Canvas by Instructure Release Notes (Android 4.3)

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

In this update, the app includes an internal calendar that displays assignments and events for up to 10 courses and groups. Settings allows users to set their own notification preferences, and Discussions can support video attachments. The update also changes the way users switch to other profiles and view shortened date formats.


Download the Canvas by Instructure app in the Play Store. Version 4.3 requires Android 4.0.3 or later.


  New Features



Internal Calendar

Users can view course assignments and dates within the Canvas app. Like the browser version of Canvas, users can select and view up to 10 calendars from their courses and groups. Courses and groups are displayed according to their assigned color. The calendar can be collapsed and expanded in the menu bar, and users can view calendar listings by day, week, or month.




Notification Preferences

Users can select the notifications they want to receive in the app. Like in the browser version of Canvas, although all preferences are listed as options, not all notifications are available to all users.

Selecting a preference means the notification will be sent ASAP; not selecting a preference means a notification will never be sent.


Any preferences changed in the app will also be applied in the browser version of Canvas.




Because mobile notifications are currently limited, mobile preferences override preferences in the browser version of Canvas. Therefore, all notification channels configured in the browser version of Canvas will receive the notification, and daily and weekly notifications are not supported in the app.

Note: Alerts (Administrative Notifications) are currently supported as a notification preference and cannot be sent to the app as a notification.


  Updated Features



Discussions Attachments

Users can add video comments to discussion replies. Use the attachment icon to make a video comment, or choose an existing video file.




Switch Users

Users can quickly switch to another profile in the User Navigation Menu. Previously this feature was at the bottom of the menu, but now it has been moved within the profile area for easier access. Tap the current user information to add a new account. If any accounts have previously been added, they will automatically appear in the list.





  Other Updates



Date Formatting

Several areas of the app, such as the instructor edit assignment menu, include shortened calendar dates (e.g. 1/5/2015). These dates are designed to display according to the date format specified for the Android device. To change the date format, open the device’s Settings menu and select the System Date & time option.

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