How do I generate a rubric report in the assessment library?
In the assessment library, you can customize and download an outcome details report. The rubric report includes information about assessments the rubric is being used in, learning outcomes and criterion in the rubric, and scoring details.
Note: By default, only administrators can generate rubric reports in the assessment library. Faculty and instructional design users must be granted permission by an admin to generate rubric reports.
Open Assessment

In the Toolbar, click the Assessment icon.
Open Rubrics

In the Assessment Sidebar, click the Rubrics link.
Select Rubric
In the list of rubrics, locate the rubric you want to generate a report for. Click the checkbox next to the rubric name.
Select Report Details

In the Generate rubric report window you can specify options for the report.
The rubric you selected displays in the Rubric drop-down menu [1]. To select a different rubric, click the Rubric drop-down menu [2] and select an option from the list of rubrics.
The rubric report can be filtered by date. To view rubric data for All Time or the Current Year, click the corresponding radio button [3]. To view rubric data for a specific date range, click the Custom Range radio button [4]. Enter the date range for the report using the Start Date and End Date fields [5].
You can define which assessment type(s) to include in the report. To include an assessment type, select the checkbox next to the assessment type name [6].
If an outcome is not in use for an assessment type, the assessment type name will be faded [7].
To view aggregated criterion scoring, click the Aggregate criterion scores checkbox [8]. If left unchecked, the report will display each individual score for the criterion in the rubric.
Generate Report

Click the Generate Report button. The outcome report will download in your browser as a CSV file.