How do I manage pathways?

As an admin, you can manage pathways in your account, including previewing, cloning, archiving, or deleting a pathway.

Open Pathways

Open Pathways

In the Toolbar, click the Pathways icon.

Select Pathway

Locate the pathway you want to manage and click the checkbox to select the pathway.

Preview Pathway

To preview a pathway, click the Preview button. The pathway will open in a new browser tab and you will see how students will view and interact with the pathway.

Clone Pathway

To make a copy of the pathway, click the Clone button.

Confirm Clone Details

Confirm Clone Details

You will be prompted to confirm details for the cloned pathway. To add the same reviewers and coordinators to the new pathway, click the Clone reviewers and coordinators checkbox [1]. To clone the pathway, click the Yes, Clone button [2].

The new pathway will be created as a draft, regardless of the publish status of the original pathway.

Archive Pathway

To archive a pathway, click the Archive button. Archived pathways cannot be edited and new students cannot be enrolled. However, currently enrolled students will still be able to access the pathway.

Confirm Pathway Archive

Confirm Pathway Archive

To confirm archiving the pathway, click the Yes, Archive button.

Unarchive Pathway

To unarchive an archived pathway, select the archived pathway and click the Unarchive button.

Download Pathway Report

To download a report of the pathway, click the Download Report button. The report includes details about milestones and requirement, scoring, student submissions, and reviewer scores.

Delete Pathway

To delete a pathway, click the Delete button.

Note: Pathways cannot be published after students have submitted work to the pathway. To restrict access to a pathway, archive the pathway.