How do I submit each type of pathway requirement as a student?
Pathway coordinators can choose from a variety of requirements to add to a pathway.
Project Requirement
![Project Requirement](
To complete a project requirement type, create a project. Depending on privacy settings, the project may display in your portfolio.
Select Existing Project
![Select Existing Project](
If you have a project in your portfolio you would like to submit to the requirement, click the project name. You may be prompted to confirm additional information, such as which attachments to include.
Experience Requirement
![Experience Requirement](
The Experience requirement type does not allow for submissions. The pathway coordinators and reviewers will score and mark the requirement complete.
Existing Assignment Requirement
![Existing Assignment Requirement](
To complete the Existing Assignment requirement type, submit an assignment according to the requirement instructions. The assignment may be accessed through Portfolium or Canvas.
Earned Badge Requirement
![Earned Badge Requirement](
When you earn the badge, the Badge requirement is automatically marked complete. To view details about earning the badge, click the badge name.
Completed Pathway Requirement
![Completed Pathway Requirement](
When you complete the milestones for the designated pathway, the Completed Pathway requirement is automatically marked complete. To view details about completing the indicated pathway, click the Pathway name.