How do I add Certifications to my profile?
If you have received any certifications you can add them to your Canvas Student ePortfolios profile. A certification can be a certificate, license, or assessment that certifies your knowledge or experience.
Open Profile

To open your profile, click the Me drop-down menu [1], then, click the View Profile link [2].
Add Certifications

Click the Add Certifications link.
Note: If the Add Certifications button does not display on your profile, scroll to the Certifications section and click the Add More link to add certifications to your profile.
Add Certification Details

In the New Certification tray, enter the name of the certification in the Title field [1], and add a description of the certification in the Description field [2]. To enter the date you received the certification, click the Date drop-down menus [3].
To add an image for the certification, click the Add an image icon [4] and select an image from your computer or connected social media accounts.
To save your entries, click the Save Changes button [5].
Note: The display order of your entries is determined by the end date of each entry in reverse chronological order. If two entries have the same end date, those items will be arranged alphabetically.
Attach Project

If you want to attach a project to the certification, select a project you have previously created [1] or click the Add new project link [2]. If you are adding multiple projects and want to customize the order in which they display, select the Arrange order toggle [3].
Save Changes

When you are ready to publish your certification, click the Done button.