How do I add photos to my Project?
You can add photos to your projects to help showcase your work. Photos can be uploaded from your device, imported from linked social media accounts, or imported from a web search.
For best results, default images, or thumbnails, should be 500px by 280px.
Open Profile
To open your profile, click the Me icon in the toolbar [1], and then click the View Profile link [2].
Open Portfolio
Click the Portfolio tab.
Edit Project
Locate the project you want to add a photo to. Click the Options icon [1] and then click the Edit link [2].
Find Photo
To upload a photo saved on your device, click the Upload files link [1] and select the file.
To import a photo from a linked social media account, such as Facebook or Instagram, or search the web for a photo, click the More options link [2].
Select Photo
Click any icon to import a photo from that provider [1] or search the web [2]. Click the photo you would like to import [3].
Upload Photo
When you have selected all the photos you would like to import, click the Upload button.
View Photo
The uploaded photo will display in the Attachments section. To edit the photo details, click the Edit icon [1]. To delete the photo, click the Delete icon [2].
Edit Photo
In the Edit window, you can edit the photo's title [1], caption [2], and alt text [3]. To use the photo as the cover photo for your project, select the Use as cover photo checkbox [4].
When you have made all your edits, click the Done button [5] to save your changes.
Arrange Attachments
If you have multiple attachments in your project, you can rearrange the attachments. Hover over an attachment and click to drag and drop the attachment.
Save Changes
To see how the photo will display in your project, click the Preview button [1]. If you are ready to publish your updates, click the Save Changes button [2].