How do I upload my resume to Canvas Student ePortfolios?
Canvas Student ePortfolios is a platform to showcase your work experience to colleagues and potential employers. Adding a resume to your profile helps potential employers get a detailed background of your professional experience.
Open Profile

To open your profile, click the Me icon in the toolbar [1], and then click the View Profile link [2].
Add Resume

In the resume section, click the Upload icon.
Choose Resume

Select to upload a file from your device [1], or hover over the social media icons to choose your resume from your linked accounts [2].
Upload Resume

Click the Open button to upload your resume.
View Resume

View your uploaded resume.
To edit your resume, click the Edit icon [1]. To download a copy of your resume, click the Download icon [2].
Note: When you upload your resume, Canvas Student ePortfolios automatically gathers some of the information in your resume and adds it to the applicable sections of your profile. After uploading your resume, check your profile to ensure all your automatically-imported information is correct.
Edit Resume

In the Edit Resume modal, you can select to only allow employers to view your resume. To enable resume privacy, select the Enable Resume Privacy checkbox [1]. If this checkbox is not selected, anyone on Canvas Student ePortfolios will be able to view your resume.
To delete your resume, click the Delete Resume link [2].
To save your changes, click the Done button [3].