How do I set Notification Preferences in the Student app on my iOS device?
You can set notification preferences in the Canvas Student app to receive updates about your Canvas courses. Once notifications are selected, notifications are sent to you even if you have not opened the Canvas Student app. You can choose to set notifications for specific communication channels, or you can set notifications for all your available channels.
Communication channels in the Canvas Student app match the same notification options within your Notification Preferences in the browser version of Canvas. Any preferences updated in the app will be reflected in the browser version.
The images in this lesson are shown for a phone display, but unless otherwise noted, tablet displays mirror the same steps.
Open User Menu

On the Dashboard, tap the Menu icon.
Open Settings

Tap the Settings link.
Select Communications Channel

All notification communication channels available to you display in the Settings page.
View Email Notifications

The Email Notifications link displays all email addresses added to your account.
Set Notification Preferences

The Email Notifications link displays all email addresses added to your account. Tap the email address where you want to set notifications [1].
Email notifications match the notification types set in the browser version of Canvas. Options include Immediately, Daily, Weekly, or Never.
To change a notification email frequency, tap the notification name [2]. A list will display with the list of frequency options. Tap the name of the desired frequency.
View Other Notification Channels

Any other notification communication channels available to you can be set in the app.
Tap the communication channel you want to view.
Set Notification Preferences

By default, all other communication notifications can either be on or off.
Enabled notifications show the toggle to the right [1] and are sent ASAP.
To disable a notification, tap the slider (toggle will be on the left) [2]. Disabled notifications are never sent.