How do I view Studio Analytics media usage data for my institution's Canvas Studio account?
As an admin, you can view usage data for your institution's Studio account. Studio media analytics include information about the amount, duration, and storage, of media as well as the number of courses with embedded media.
You can also view Studio user analytics.
Open Studio Analytics

In the Admin drop-down menu, click the Analytics link.
View Media Tab

By default, Studio Analytics displays the Media tab.
Select Date Range

By default, the Media page displays data for the current twelve month interval. However, you can customize the date range for the displayed data.
To select a different start or end month and year, click the calendar icon [1].
To select a different year, click the arrow icons [2].
To select a month, click the corresponding button for the desired month [3].
View Upload Count Graph

The Upload Count Graph displays the number of new media uploaded in your Studio account for each month in the defined time range. To view the total of new uploads for a specific month, hover over the corresponding point in the graph.
Note: Deleted Studio media does not affect the Upload Count graph. The graph only displays the number of uploads and does not adjust if media is also removed from your Studio account in that month. You can view your account's current media total in the Summary section.
View Storage Used Graph

The Storage Used graph displays the amount of storage used by Studio media in the account for the defined time range. To view the storage used for uploads in a specific month, hover over the corresponding point in the graph.
Note: The Storage Used graph may display a zero if the total amount of storage used is less than 50MB.
View Media Length Graph

The Media Length graph displays the total length of Studio media in hours in the account for the defined time range. To view the media length for uploads in a specific month, hover over the corresponding point in the graph.
View Courses With Media Graph

The Course With Media graph displays the total number of newly created courses with uploaded Studio media in your account for the defined time range. To view the number of newly created courses with studio media in a specific month, hover over the corresponding point in the graph.
Note: If new media is added to an existing course, the course is not included in the Courses With Media count for the month.
View Account Summary
The Summary section displays the current media analytics data for your Studio account [1] as well as a paginated list of your Studio media analytics by month [2].
To download the monthly analytics list as a CSV file, click the Download CSV button [3].
View Current Account Media Summary

View the current media analytics for your account:
- Total Media [1]: the current total number of media uploaded in your Studio account. This number is affected by media uploads and deletions.
- Storage Used [2]: the current amount of storage used in your Studio account.
- Media Length [3]: the current total length of all Studio media in your account.
- Courses with Media [4]: the current total number of courses in your account with at least one Studio media upload.
View Media Analytics List
View the media analytics list for your account.
By default, the list displays data in descending order from the most to least recent date [1]. To sort the list in ascending or descending order by uploaded media, storage, length, or courses with media, click the header name [2].
To view additional data for your account, use the page navigation icons and links [3].
Note: If the uploaded media in a month is less than 50 MB, the Storage Used column displays 0MB [4].