How do I view Pages in the Teacher app in my iOS device?
In the Canvas Teacher app, you can view your course pages.
The images in this lesson are shown for a phone display, but unless otherwise noted, tablet displays mirror the same steps.
Open Course
![Open Course](
In the Courses tab, tap the name of the course you'd like to view.
Open Pages
![Open Pages](
Tap the Pages link.
View Pages
![View Pages](
Pages will display all your course pages. Published pages display the Published icon [1]. Unpublished pages display the Unpublished icon [2]. The front page of the course is indicated by the Front Page label [3].
Open Page
![Open Page](
To open a page, tap the name of the page.
View Page
![View Page](
View your page.
Edit Page
![Edit Page](
To edit your page, tap the Options icon [1] then tap the Edit link [2].
To delete your page, tap the Delete link [3].
Note: Pages that are set as the Front Page cannot be deleted.
Edit Page Details
![Edit Page Details](
To edit the title of the page, enter the page name in the Title field [1].
To edit the content, enter your changes in the Content field [2].
To publish or unpublish the page, tap the Publish toggle button [3]. To set the page as the front page, tap the Set as Front Page toggle button [4].
Manage Editing Settings
![Manage Editing Settings](
To manage who can edit the page, tap the Can Edit menu [1]. Then select who can edit the page from the following options: only teachers [2], teachers and students [3], or anyone [4].