You’re Invited: Languages of Appreciation Schedule

Community Team
Community Team

2022 Blog Headers -- 1200x200 (5) (1).pngIn this season of gratitude and giving, the desire and interest to demonstrate appreciation to one another is more front and center in our minds. Many of us fret over the perfect [tangible] gift; but maybe it shouldn’t be a tangible gift at all? How can you know? 

As mentioned in You’re Invited: Languages of Appreciation Book Club, this is your formal invitation to join us in answering “How can you know?”, and many other questions, related to giving and receiving appreciation among your peers and colleagues. 

Let’s Get Book Clubbin’!

  • Who: Anyone and everyone interested in learning how to better give and receive appreciation in the workplace!

If you have any questions about the Book Club, feel free to email or leave a comment here.

We can’t wait to learn and reflect along with you!

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