Data and Analytics Group Discussions

Data and Analytics Group questions and discussion forum

Hi all,I am needing to identify the students who have access to a discussion or page via CD2 when access has been limited to certain sections / students via the 'Assign Access' section.If it is an Assignment, it is easy to work out as I just need to ...

Community Novice
Data and Analytics Group
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After updating to the latest and greatest Canvas Data 2 dap client cli version, I notice the dap_meta table (which stored the timestamps of when all the tables were last updated) seems to have been renamed to dap_meta_backup, and there is no replacem...

Community Participant
Data and Analytics Group
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Hi all,I am trying to figure out how to identify if an assignment grade is visible to a student (posted) using CD2 data.The submissions table workflow state only has a 'graded' state but that doesn't identify if it is available to students.Any help w...

  • 2 Replies

Hello, My institution is trying to identify students who have not accessed their online courses through Canvas in the first two weeks of class. Looking at the data tables on the DAP ERD it seems like canvas.asset_user_accesses likely has the data I n...

  • 1 Replies

Hi All,Our group noticed a few tables producing error messages with the updates to the enumeration types recently. Upgrading the DAP client to the 1.3.1 didn't seem to fix the problem with the enum type update, but I did notice a change in the syntax...

  • 1 Replies

We are using the new DAP 1.3.1 client. We perform a database initialization. The API runs fine for all tables until we get to the assignments table. Every single time we are receiving the same error regardless of what we do:   File "C:\Users\jbrandt\...

  • 5 Replies

Got this little ditty today: 2025-01-22 10:05:05,294 - ERROR - malformed HTTP response:<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""><HTML><HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/htm...

Community Contributor
Data and Analytics Group
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Anyone know which table contains records about Global Announcements? Thanks!

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Data and Analytics Group
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I've been using Canvas Live events (Caliper format)  to find instances of files being downloaded in Canvas courses. However, recently it's come to my attention that these events may refer to files with names that do not exist as such within the cours...

Community Contributor
Data and Analytics Group
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Hi Everyone,  One of our school admin team contacted us. She noticed that the New Analytics>LateAssignments reporting generates a time/date format that our setup of Excel does not immediately recognise.   E.g. this is the result: Submitted DateGraded...

Community Participant
Data and Analytics Group
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We've been cloning Canvas data successfully for months using DAP2, but recently noticed this sync failure, which looks to be coming from DAP code. When I run this directly in a query editor it balks at the newline separators and the quotes as well as...

  • 6 Replies

Hello, when using the Python dap client library (not the CLI), is there a way to get access to the HTTP request / response headers and bodies for debugging? Example: I sometimes get errors like "malformed HTTP response" or "invalid_client" but no oth...

  • 2 Replies

Hello, With the deployment of the 1.3.0 client, I've decided to TRY and migrate from Postgres into my native SQL Server environment. I have successfully initialized ~88 tables, but I know that's not enough.  I'm seeing an issue within the Assignments...

  • 5 Replies

We created python scripts using CD2, and import data locally, and would like to create SQL views that are identical to some of the built in reports.  One report, for instance, is the report named Students Access Report.  Is there any way to get an SQ...

  • 6 Replies

Hi all, Looking for some help on how on which table contains the details of who an assignemnet has been assigned to. I have looked under submissions but this does not seem to be a complete list. If anyone can help and share some insight on how and wh...

  • 3 Replies

Currently looking at table. I want to link all the courses / modules to their respective main Programs so that different programs can be analysed separately. For instance - a computer science Y1 main program could have 6 modules/course...

  • 1 Replies

Hi,  Does anyone know a way to find student IDs or user emails from CD2? I have checked users and accounts tables in the canvas namespace - but they don't have "email" column. I only have the primary key of userID and accountID and only their full na...

  • 13 Replies

With CD1 I used to be able to get a list of all the items in the navigation bar for a course. In the CD2 documentation it says that I should be able to find this information in the Courses table... tab_configuration (Annotated[bounded_str, JsonStrin...

  • 6 Replies

We're doing some reporting on student progress in modules, and the data we see in context_module_progressions doesn't entirely match our expectations. Sometimes a student enrolled in the course doesn't have a record in context_module_progressions.  W...

Community Participant
Data and Analytics Group
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The Unizin Faculty Development subcommittee is thrilled to announce the launch of the Stepping Stones Community, a public Google Group. This community will serve as a hub for our HigherEd peers worldwide to connect, collaborate, and share resources r...

Community Explorer
Data and Analytics Group
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When I use new analytics, go to run a report for missing work, is there a wat to set a date range? I know I can pull the data in to excel and sort, but is there a way to do this within Canvas?

  • 2 Replies

We've been using the Data Access Platform for a couple of weeks now to manage our Canvas data in our own data warehouse and overall have been having a great experience with the tool! However, we've found that the submission_versions table doesn't exp...

  • 1 Replies

Hi, We are looking at utilizing our Redshift data but we lost our SMEs that knew more about it.  We were wondering if there's a school that would be willing to talk to us about your setup experience, usage, and how things are currently going.  We're ...

  • 1 Replies

Aside from the Account Admin permission "Users - act as" is there any other admin permission that controls/grants access to an account admin to view conversations in the Inbox between teachers and students? In other words, if "Users - act as" is not ...

  • 1 Replies

Happened to go into and noticed that new keys can go for THREE YEARS!   Yay!

Community Contributor
Data and Analytics Group
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The discussion_topics__discussion_type enumeration does not include the "not_threaded" value added as part of the Discussion Redesign feature. I believe the discussions with this value are currently showing as '__dap_unspecified__', and I would like ...

  • 3 Replies

I've used Postman and am able to get data from Canvas Data Portal 2.  I'm trying to do the same thing in Python.  I'm able to get all the preliminary steps (GetJWT, Dispatch query, get status of query) in python, but get a bad request format when try...

  • 5 Replies

Hi Team,I am developer working at Fivetran.I am currently working on pulling data from Canvas using the API and have encountered some issues. According to the Canvas Data 2 API documentation, I need to specify a date from which to pull the data. Howe...

  • 2 Replies

As far as I can tell there currently isnt a way to get the account settings using Canvas Data 2 but I would love to be corrected.I can see that the genuine Canvas backend has a feature_flag table for this as well as a settings column in the accounts ...

  • 6 Replies