How do I create an Assessment Scores mapping definition for an assessment for my institution?

As an Elevate K-12 Analytics admin, you can normalize your institution's assessment reporting methods using Assessment Scores performance indicators. To create an assessment score performance level, you must first define the mapping. You can also edit existing mapping definitions.

When you define the mapping, you must select the source, reporting method, and included assessments, and configure the performance levels.

Once the mapping is defined, you can configure the mapping, including reporting methods with non-numeric scores. Additionally, you can customize Assessment Scores by school year and grade level.

Open Administration Page

Open Administration Page

In the Navigation Menu, click the Admin link.

Open KPIs

In the Elevate K-12 Analytics Administration page, click the KPIs link.

Open Assessment Scores

In the Manage KPIs menu, click the Assessment Scores link [1].

Note: On the Manage KPIs Overview page you can click the Assessment Scores link [2].

Add Mapping

On the Assessment Score Mappings page, click the Add mapping button.

Add Definition Name

Enter a name for the assessment score mapping in the Name field.

Select Assessment Score Source

In the Source section, specify the assessment score source details.

To select the assessment URI or URL data source, click the Assessment Namespace drop-down menu [1]. Then select an assessment from the list. The Assessment Namespace menu displays a list of all your associated assessment sources.

To specify the assessment reporting method, click the Reporting Method drop-down menu [2]. The menu displays all reporting methods specifically associated with the selected assessment.

By default, the definition includes all assessments from the selected assessment namespace [3]. To specify specific assessments for the definition, click the Assessments field [4] and select assessments from the list. The radio button selection changes to the Custom option [5]. To remove a selected assessment, click the assessment Remove icon [6].

Configure Performance Levels

In the Performance Levels Configuration section, configure the assessment scale performance levels.

To select the number of performance levels, click the Performance Levels drop-down menu [1]. You can select up to five levels.

Enter a name for each performance level in the Performance Level Name fields [2]. You can also select a custom color for each level [3].

To create the performance level as a custom default performance level, click the Create default performance level checkbox [4]. Then enter a name in the Default Performance Level Name field [5]. Any unmapped score results from the assessment source use the default performance level.

Select Color Label

Select Colors

In the color window, you can select a color from a palette, a spectrum, or enter the Hex number or RGB (red, green, blue) values of a color.

To select a color from the color palette, click a color icon [1].

To select a from a color spectrum or to enter the HEX number or RGB values of a color, click the Gradient View button [2].

Open Gradient View

Open Gradient View

To select a color from the gradient, select an area of the color spectrum [1]. Then click a spectrum color [2].

To enter a HEX number, enter the number in the HEX field [3].

Note: If you do not enter the # symbol in the HEX field, it is added automatically.

Enter RGB Values

To enter RGB values for a color, click the Change Color Format icon [1]. Then enter R, G, and B values [2].

Save Assessment Source Definition

To save the assessment source definition, click the Save and Continue button.

View Assessment Score Mapping

View the assessment definition. Learn about editing a definition. You can also learn about configuring the mapping, including reporting methods with non-numeric scores.