What are the options for managing the Visuals Library for my institution?

As a Elevate K-12 Analytics admin, you may be able to manage the Visuals library for your institution. Users access the Visuals Library in the Visuals page. It includes pre-configured charts and dashboards so users can quickly access and view data.

You can choose library visibility options for all users in your account, manage library options based upon user role, and select sync options for library items.

Open Administration Page

Open Administration Page

In the Navigation Menu, click the Admin link.

Open Library

In the Elevate K-12 Analytics Administration page, click the Library link.

View Library Management Options

View your account library management options on the Manage Library page.

Set Account Library Visibility

You can manage your institution's Visuals Library items in Set Visibility. By default, all library items are turned on. However, your institution may not need access to all options. You can hide charts and dashboards that are not applicable for your institution. Learn more about setting account library visibility.

Set Library Visibility by Role

You can manage Visuals Library items by user role in Manage Role Visibility. By default, library items are turned on for user roles based upon the role permissions. However, you can further customize user Visuals Library options based upon their assigned user role.

Synchronize Library Updates

To keep your Visuals Library updated, you can download updated items from the Elevate K-12 Analytics Master Library. You can manage library item sync options in Synchronize Updates.