Make MORE Memories at InstructureCon 2023 with Pre-Con!



Make MORE Memories at InstructureCon 2023 

Pre-Con being held Wednesday Morning

What’s Included in This Post?
• Why You Should Attend
• What's Being Offered at Pre-Con This Year
• Wednesday Sessions


Pre-Conference workshops offer users a deep dive into a range of topics presented by learning, strategy, and design experts at Instructure. All workshops are interactive and participants will leave with strategies and tools they can use right away. From first-timers to advanced users, there’s something for everyone!

Why You Should Attend

@KCTesterman and I had a little chat about why you should attend the Pre-Con this year. Check it out! Note: when we recorded this, Pre-Con was planned for both Tuesday and Wednesday. Since then, it's changed to be only Wednesday, and there is no longer a Pre-Con dinner on Tuesday evening.

What's Being Offered During Pre-Con This year?

This year, we’re presenting Pre-Conference sessions on Wednesday morning. If you’re going to be in Denver a little bit earlier to start your InstructureCon 2023 memories, we’d love to have you join us. These memories last a lifetime, and we want you to be a part of making them. Check out the sessions below, along with some great reasons to attend each!

Wednesday Sessions

Some sessions Wednesday are 2 hours in length, and one is a 4 hour deeper dive. Check them out below!

Two-Hour Sessions

Slot 1 - Wednesday, July 26: 7:30-9:30 a.m.

Topic Description Products Highlighted Who It's Great For Why You Should Attend

Credentialing Programs for Competency Based Education and Skill Development

Ready to disrupt traditional education models? Come learn about approaches to competency-based education, where your progress is based on your ability to prove mastery of key skills, abilities, and knowledge. We'll give you the lowdown on the key features of this approach, as well as guidance for creating custom learning pathways, designing killer badges, and awarding credentials for demonstrated competencies and skill development.

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Anyone who wants to learn more about how to create competency based education in Canvas!

If you're ready to revolutionize education and empower learners to truly own their learning journey, this workshop is a must-attend!

Developing a Multi-Year Professional Development Program

Are you ready to empower your educators to level up their teaching game through professional development? We'll explore the most effective ways to create top-notch professional development courses in Canvas, including personalized learning options that cater to adult learners. Plus, we'll share strategies for how to foster thriving communities of practice, complete with mentoring and coaching capabilities, all within the Canvas platform. 

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Anyone who wants to create professional learning in Canvas!

Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your professional learning to the next level!

Embracing Learner Choice with Assessments & Mastery Paths

Ready to put your students front and center? We’ll show you how to enhance your learning experiences by giving learners the voice and choice they crave. We'll share strategies for using Mastery Paths in Canvas, as well as powerful assessment tools from Mastery Connect, to personalize the learning journey for your students. Get ready to empower your learners to take control of their own learning journey and unlock their full potential.

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Anyone who wants to learn more about personalized learning options possible with assessments + Canvas + Mastery Connect!

Don't miss out on this chance to put student-centered learning into practice!


Slot 2- Wednesday, July 26: 9:45-11:45 a.m.

Topic Description Products Highlighted Who It's Great For Why You Should Attend

Data-Informed Practices that Support the Student Experience


As educators, we understand the importance of using data to make informed decisions about teaching and learning. We'll explore how to lead a data-informed community and how to use inquiry cycles through use cases. 


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Anyone who wants to learn more about Canvas + data!

Join us to learn how to create a culture of data-informed teaching and learning in your community.


Utilizing Design Best Practices for Competency Based Education and Skills Training


Are you ready to take your competency-based education and skills training to the next level? Join us to learn how to effectively design engaging learning experiences that align with competency frameworks. In this workshop, we'll explore design best practices, including building learning pathways, creating personalized assessments, and designing digital badges and credentials to recognize learner achievements. 


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Anyone who wants to learn more about how to use Canvas Credentials + competency based education!

Walk away with practical insights and tools to elevate your programs to new heights of effectiveness and engagement!



Four Hour Deeper Dive

Wednesday, July 26: 7:30-11:45 a.m.

Topic Description Products Highlighted Who It's Great For Why You Should Attend

Getting Started as a Canvas Admin

Take advantage of the perfect opportunity to level up your skills and learn the ins and outs of Canvas administration. We'll cover everything from user management to sub-account structure and organization, permissions and roles, settings, apps, feature options, and csv files. With so much to learn, you won't have a moment to waste. Come prepared to roll up your sleeves and dive into the world of being a Canvas admin, and leave with a ton of knowledge that will take your skills to the next level. Don't miss out on this unique chance to become a Canvas administration rockstar!


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Admins just getting started with Canvas!

Leave with a ton of knowledge that will take your skills to the next level.


Final Thoughts

We hope to see you at Pre-Con this year! Check out more information about this year's Pre-Conference. If you can't join us, but will be at InstrutureCon, we hope you'll stop us and say hello if you see us in Denver!


Our Learning Services teams are committed to providing training, consulting, and design solutions for the Instructure Learning Platform and its products. More information is available in our Learning Services Canvas course.