Fix The Accented Letter Error Fill in the Blank


Due to a recent update in Canvas, accented letters are no longer accepted in the fill in the blank field in the Quizzes feature. This causes great difficulty for World Language teachers who nearly all use accented letters in some way. Canvas will not accept any words containing an accent within the "tick marks" that are now required to indicate the blank to be filled in. Can you please fix this as soon as possible? It's not really an idea, it's an error that was created with the most recent Canvas update, as before the blanks supported accented letters. I must now change my entire final exam format.

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Status changed to: Archived

Hi @SheridaHendrix -

This sounds very similar to some issues that other Canvas users have reported. Please open a case with Support, and they'll connect your inquiry with others'. You'll then automatically receive updates as the issue is addressed.

How do I contact Canvas Support? 

Community Member

I went on to create my final only to find out that " this is a behavior that's known and actively being worked on by our engineers from what I'm seeing here" when texting support. Whaatt! My final is tomorrow and this needs to work today!  It was suggested that I create an assignment instead, that workaround would take several hours for the 7 tests 18-32 questions each. 

The students will be happy. No final for them.