New Quizzes: Show students the total number of questions before they begin the quiz


New Quizzes should allow students to see the total number of questions in a quiz before they click "Begin." Classic Quizzes provided this feature. This is particularly problematic for timed quizzes, and also when quizzes are set to show 'one question at a time.' In the latter situation, students are unable to see the total number of questions at any time. This can cause a great deal of test anxiety and it could prevent students from planning their time accordingly.

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Open
Status changed to: Archived
Comments from Instructure

As part of the new Ideas & Themes process, all ideas in Idea Conversations were reviewed by the Product Team. Any Idea that was associated with an identified theme was moved to the new Idea & Themes space. Any Idea that was not part of the move is being marked as Archived. This will preserve the history of the conversations while also letting Community members know that Instructure will not explore the request at this time.