Quizzes - Individual Question Submission

Problem statement:

Student should be able to submit and check their answer(s) to questions individually. They should be allowed to re-answer each question multiple times, They should not have to answer all questions before they can check the correctness of their answers

Proposed solution:

Allow single questions submission with the option for multiple tries. Ideally feedback can be given after one or more submission. Many (most?) quiz/assignment systems (Moodle, MyOpenMath, etc.) allow for this. In my opinion it is necessary if assignments, whether practice or graded, function as good learning exercises for students. Learning by doing is a central principle of good pedagogy.

User role(s):


Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Moderating
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Archived

Hi @RobertGreeney -

I shared this request with our Product Team, and because comments are locked at this time, here is their response: 

Thank you for your idea! This is an interesting feature that I have seen in our competitive research. At the moment we are focused on what is on our current roadmap and we would be unable to prioritize a new feature like this at this time. We will keep it in mind for future enhancements.


For reference:Idea Conversations: The Path Forward