Shuffle only specific questions


I know you can shuffle questions in Canvas but I wish there was a way to tag specific questions so that their place in the flow of questions is not shuffled and questions between these tagged locations get shuffled among themselves only. IE. If 1, A, B, C, 2, D, E, F are questions and I tag 1 and 2 as unchanging, then possible shuffles would be

1, A, B, C, 2, D, E, F

1, A, C, B, 2, D, E, F

1, B, A, C, 2, D, E, F

1, B, C, A, 2, D, E, F

1, C, A, B, 2, D, E, F

1, C, B, A, 2, D, E, F

1, A, B, C, 2, D, F, E

1, A, C, B, 2, D, F, E

1, B, A, C, 2, D, F, E

1, B, C, A, 2, D, F, E

1, C, A, B, 2, D, F, E

1, C, B, A, 2, D, F, E

1, A, B, C, 2, F, D, E

1, A, C, B, 2, F, D, E

1, B, A, C, 2, F, D, E

1, B, C, A, 2, F, D, E

1, C, A, B, 2, F, D, E

1, C, B, A, 2, F, D, E

1, A, B, C, 2, F, E, D

1, A, C, B, 2, F, E, D

1, B, A, C, 2, F, E, D

1, B, C, A, 2, F, E, D

1, C, A, B, 2, F, E, D

1, C, B, A, 2, F, E, D

1, A, B, C, 2, E, F, D

1, A, C, B, 2, E, F, D

1, B, A, C, 2, E, F, D

1, B, C, A, 2, E, F, D

1, C, A, B, 2, E, F, D

1, C, B, A, 2, E, F, D

1, A, B, C, 2, E, D, F

1, A, C, B, 2, E, D, F

1, B, A, C, 2, E, D, F

1, B, C, A, 2, E, D, F

1, C, A, B, 2, E, D, F

1, C, B, A, 2, E, D, F

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Archived


You'll be happy to know that New Quizzes already accommodates this. Instructors can select specific questions for which to shuffle the answer choices, as described in the Shuffle Answers section of How do I create a Multiple Choice question in New ...  .

Our product teams are no longer developing new functionality on the code base for Old (Classic) Quizzes, which is scheduled for deprecation, so we've archived the idea. The resources in the New Quizzes User Group should give you the help you need to start trying out the new quiz tool in your courses. If you don't see the ability to enable New Quizzes in the settings area of your course, please reach out to your local Canvas admin for guidance on its availability at your school.


Community Member

Hi @Stef_retired .That's not what I meant. 1 A B C 2 D E F are not answers. These are all questions. I want a feature that tags questions so that other questions between, before, and after these tagged questions are shuffled within their own groups

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni


Thanks for that clarification! It sounds like the idea that most closely shares the problem statement you've presented is the topic of discussion at New Quizzes - Shuffling questions in same question group . Would you please add your support to that idea?

(Sorry for the misunderstanding; I admit that I was dazzled by the array of letters. 🙂 )

Community Member

hey! 😄 the link isn't working for me 😞

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

@AJNarcelles Yes, something went wonky with that link. Try this one: New Quizzes - Shuffling questions in same question... - Canvas Community 

Community Contributor

New Quizzes has a "Shuffle Questions" option that randomizes the order of all the questions without having to use item banks. It works well, but instructors also need the ability to pin a question in place when questions are shuffled, like they can when "Shuffle Answers" is enabled. 

Why this is needed: One strategy for improving exam security is to start by having students answer a question where they agree to adhere to the institution's academic integrity policy. This needs to be the first question but its placement currently can't be guaranteed  if "Shuffle Questions"--another option for improving exam security--is also selected. Students have the ability to pin a question if they want to return to it, so it makes sense that instructors could also use pins to have certain questions appear in a specific order.