How can I control visibility of Local Articles through the Impact Dashboard?

Locally created articles are displayed to users within your learning application based on several targeting rules and visibility settings.

Note: You cannot add a tool category to a locally created article. Tool categories allow you to control the visibility of Out of the Box articles.

Factors that Impact Local Article Visibility

There are four major factors that can impact who sees your local articles in the learning application.

  • Article Status
  • Assigned Users
  • Connected Context
  • Scheduled Visibility

Article Status

If your article is still in draft mode or has been changed to draft mode, it will not be visible to any users [1].

Assigned Users

By assigning users to an article, you control for which users, groups, or campaign audiences will see your article. Users can be assigned by:

  • Selecting individual user groups like user roles
  • Selecting a predefined User Segment
  • Selecting an existing campaign
  • Selecting a user filter created from the tool adoption reports

Note: Assigned users are often based on dynamic conditions. Meaning that the users who see this article can change over time depending on the criteria selected.

Connected Contexts

You can connect a context within your LMS to an article. Locate the context you want to connect to your article and select the name(s).

Scheduled Visibility

Scheduling the visibility of your article enables you to select a start date/time and end date/time during which your article will be displayed in your learning application.

If all other required settings are completed and the article is published, then:

  • The article will automatically become visible in the learning application at the scheduled Start Date and Time
  • The article will automatically disappear from the learning application at the scheduled End Date and Time