How do I add an activity monitor to a reporting template in the Impact Dashboard?

Activity monitors are at the core of how Impact helps you measure tool usage and adoption throughout your learning application. You can categorize activity monitors into reporting templates in order to customize how data is presented in your tool adoption reports.

Open Reporting Templates

Open Reporting Templates

In Global Navigation, click the Settings icon [1]. Then hover the cursor over the Settings menu [2] and click the Reporting Templates icon [3].

Open Reporting Template Monitors

To add an activity monitor, click the reporting template name link.

Add Activity Monitors

Click the Add Existing Monitors link.

Add Activity Monitor

Add Activity Monitor

To search for an existing monitor, enter a search term in the Search field [1].

To add an existing monitor, click the monitor checkbox [2]. Click the Insert button [3].

Note: If you are mapping LTI Tools as activity monitors, be sure to create a monitor category within the Tool Adoption report template with an appropriate name as the monitor category.