How do I configure and install the Impact Course Reports LTI 1.1 in Blackboard Learn Original?

You can configure and install the Impact Course Reports LTI 1.1 in Blackboard.


  • You need to know your provider domain.
  • In the Admin Panel, in the Customize User Information section, ensure the Username checkbox is selected. The LTI cannot function without this setting enabled.
  • To install the Impact Course Reports LTI in Blackboard, please submit a ticket to or through the Impact Support button on your Impact dashboard to request a Tool Provider Key and Secret.

Configure Course Reports LTI 1.1 in Blackboard Learn Original

Open Admin

In Blackboard, click the System Admin link.

Open Customize User Information

Open Customize User Information

In the Users section [1], click the Customize User Information link [2].

Select Display Username Checkbox

Select Display Username Checkbox

Ensure the Username checkbox is selected.

Open LTI Tool Providers

Open LTI Tool Providers

In the Integrations section [1], click the LTI Tool Providers link [2].

Open Register LTI 1.1 Provider

Open Register LTI 1.1 Provider

Click the Register LTI 1.1 Provider link.

Register Provider Domain

In the Provider Domain field [1], enter your Provider Domain URL, if not already added (e.g. [yourinstitution] Blackboard Ultra customers have the provider already added and will not need to add the Provider Domain

In the Default Configuration section [2], ensure the Set separately for each link radio button is selected.

In the Send User Data section [3], ensure the Send user data only SSL radio button is selected.

In the User Fields to Send section [4], ensure the Role in Course, Name, and Email Address checkboxes are selected.

To save your changes, click the Submit button [5].


Save LTI Provider

Save LTI Provider

Click the Submit button.

Manage Placements

Manage Placements

Locate the LTI Provider [1] and click the Manage Placements link [2].

Create Placement

Create Placement

Click the Create Placement link.

Enter Placement Information

For the placement you'll need the following information: 

  • Label [1] and Handle [2]: Add a name (e.g. impact-course-reports)
  • Availability [3]: Yes
  • Type [4]: Course tool
  • Tool Provider URL [5]: your specific provider's url (e.g. https://[yourinstitution]
  • Tool Provider Key and Secret [6]: Submit an Impact support ticket to request these credentials

Install Course Reports LTI in Blackboard

Open REST API Integrations

Open REST API Integrations

In the Admin Panel, in the Integrations section, click the REST API Integrations link.

Create Integration

Create Integration

Click the Create Integration link.

Enter Integration Information

Enter the following information:

  • Application ID [1]: 78ab1b55-6547-4e2f-a88d-06e2541c512b
  • Learn User [2]: This should be a user with a minimum set of privileges or the same user for Ultra if it is already configured.
  • End User Access [3]: Yes
  • Authorized To Act As User [4]: Yes

Click the Submit button [5].

Note: If you get an error when launching the LTI tool, as an admin, navigate to Course Settings, click Course Tools. and turn tool LTI ON.