How do I migrate to SaaS and prevent an interruption in my Impact data?

Follow these steps to ensure a successful Impact migration to your new SaaS environment(s). 

Prior to the Blackboard SaaS Migration

Please communicate the following to your Impact Customer Success advocate so we can help you along the way:

  1. When will you make the migration? Knowing the date(s) will help us know when to check that everything migrated correctly on our side.
  2. Will your production and staging URLs change? If yes, please provide us with the new URLs.

Immediately Before the Blackboard SaaS Migration

Make a note of the URL and key in both environments as they will need to be entered the same way in the Impact settings in your new SaaS environment. It is very important to de-install the Impact Connector Building Block on the previous instance before you install and configure it on the new SaaS instance, regardless of whether the URLs will change or not.

  1. In your old production and staging environments, remove/de-install the Impact Building Block. You can also select "Set Inactive" in the Impact Settings.
  2. Install the latest Impact building block in the new SaaS production and staging environments. You can find the latest version of the building block here.
  3. Enter the production URL and key and staging URL and key, respectively, from your old environment(s) into the Impact settings in your new SaaS-hosted environment(s).
  4. Make sure the sync field is set to ON or ON during Off Hours.
  5. Inform us immediately after you have done this so we can check that the configurations are correct and your Impact data is coming through and synced correctly.