How do I manage item banks in New Quizzes?

You can manage your item banks from within any quiz in New Quizzes or from the Item Banks link in Course Navigation. You can view, filter, and search the list of existing item banks. You can also open, create, duplicate, share,  view currently shared details, edit, and delete item banks.

Open Item Banks

Open Item Banks

In Course Navigation, click the Item Banks link.


  • You can also access Item Banks from the New Quizzes Build page.
  • You can also open New Quizzes to manage item banks by creating a new quiz.

View Banks Page

On the Banks page, you can filter or search the list of item banks [1]. You can also view the item bank details [2]. To duplicate, share, view currently shared details, edit, or delete a bank, use the item bank management icons [3].

To create a new item bank, click the Add Bank button [4].

Filter or Search Banks

By default, the Item Banks page displays the This Course filter, which displays item banks shared with the course [1].

To select another bank filter, click the Filter By drop-down menu [2]. Then select one of the following filter options:

  • Shared with Me [3]: all item banks created by or shared with you or the course
  • Institution Banks [4]: item banks shared by your institution
  • Shared with Courses [5]: item banks shared with any courses in which you are enrolled

To search for item banks, enter a search term in the Search Banks field [6].

View Bank Details

In the list of item banks, you can view the item bank's name [1], the date it was last updated [2], the number of questions in it [3], the date it was last used [4], and the date it was created [5].

Duplicate Item Bank

To duplicate an item bank, click the Duplicate icon.

Share Item Bank

Edit Item Bank

To edit an item bank, click the Edit icon.

Edit Item Bank Name

Edit Item Bank Name

To change the name of the item bank, enter the name in the Bank Name field [1]. To save the item bank name, click the Save Changes button [2].

Delete Item Bank

To delete an item bank, click Delete icon.

Confirm Deletion

Edit Item Bank Name

View the warning message for deleting item banks [1].

To delete the item bank, click the Delete button [2]. To keep the item bank, click the Cancel button [3].


  • Items added to a quiz individually are not removed from the quiz when the item bank is deleted. Question groups that use a random number of item bank items are not available after the item bank is deleted.
  • Once an item bank is deleted, it also loses its statistical link to reports.

Open Item Bank

To open an item bank, click the name of the item bank.

View Items

View the items in the item bank [1].

To search for an item, enter the search criteria in the Search field [2]. Search results will display items with matching results in question titles, question stems, and answer choices.

To filter search results, click the Add Filters button [3].

To share an item bank with the current course, click the Share with [current course name] checkbox [4]. Deselect the checkbox to unshare the item bank.

Note: You must have the correct permissions to share and unshare item banks.

View Search Filters

Search results can be filtered by tags or item type.

To filter results by tags, click the Tags and Metadata field and select a tag [1]. Selected tags display in the Tags and Metadata field [2]. Tags can be created when editing an item bank item.

To filter results by item type, click the item type options you want to view [3].

Manage Items

To edit an item bank item, click the Edit icon [1]. To move or copy an item to another item bank, click the Copy icon [2]. To delete an item, click the Delete icon [3].

To return to your item bank, click the Item Banks link [4].

View Item Details

To view more details for an item, click the Open icon [1]. The details will include answer choices [2], the date and time the item was last updated [3], and any tags added to the item [4].

To close item details, click the Close icon [5].