Charlie the Vidiot

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Charlie is the audio-video tech guy in Silverado 2. And a self proclaimed 'vidiot'. Smiley Happy

He (like many of the room techs) gets to see me running around the Canyons during pre-con, as I make sure our pre-con presenters (and attendees) have everything they need to deliver successful sessions.

When I asked him "What are some tips we should share with presenters to turn them into rockstars?" he said one thing: "Come to your session 10 minutes early to get your mic on." Apparently, many presenters aren't used to sporting the lavalier on a regular basis... and putting on the mic on early gives them a chance to acclimate to the foreign object by their face and get mentally and physically prepared to deliver their arias and solos.

So, to all session presenters... listen to Charlie!

Smiley Happy