How do I use the Desmos calculator in an assessment as a student?
As a student, some assessments or items allow you to use a Desmos calculator, either the basic, the scientific, the matrix, or the graphing calculator.
Teachers or administrators make the Desmos calculator tools available to you. The tools can be activated by a district administrator or assessment facilitator in both formative and benchmark assessments. District administrators and assessment facilitators can manage Desmos calculator settings at the formative assessment and tracker levels. Item authors can make Desmos calculators available on individual items.
- The Desmos calculators are only available in districts that have a paid Desmos subscription.
- To learn more about using the Desmos calculators, visit the Desmos guides.
Enter Online Assessment

Navigate in a browser to
Enter the test ID number [1], and click the Next button [2].
Then enter your student ID number [3], and click the Next button [4].
Note: You may also be able to access the assessment in the Mastery Connect Student Portal.
View Student Assessment
The tools and accommodations toolbar may display in an item [1].
You can expand the toolbar by clicking the Expand Menu icon [2].
The Desmos calculator icon displays in the toolbar [3].
If the Desmos calculator is available at the item level, a calculator button is available [4].
View Desmos Calculator
To open a Desmos calculator, click the Desmos Calculator toolbar icon [1] or the calculator button [2].
One of four Desmos basic calculator options will be available: Scientific [3], Four Function [4], Graphing [5], or Matrix.
Note: If your district has a paid state calculator subscription, your state calculator will also be available. For example, a Virginia Calculator may be available.
Move Calculator
To move a Desmos calculator, click the calculator header to see the Move icon [1]. Then, drag the calculator window to another area of the browser window.
To close the calculator, click the Close icon [2].
Enter Input

You can type math expressions into the calculator input bar [1], or click the calculator buttons [2].
Results display on the right [3].
Enter New Line

To enter a new expression, click the calculator's Enter button [1].
Your previous expression moves up and a new input line displays [2].