How do I edit an item through an item bank in Mastery Connect?
In Mastery Connect, you can edit an item that you create in an item bank before the item has been published. Teachers can edit items they create in their personal item banks. Administrators can edit items they create in the district item bank.
Note: If you create an item from within an assessment, you must edit the item from within the assessment.
Open Items

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Items link.
Note: If you create an item from within an assessment, you must edit the item from within the assessment.
Select Item Bank
By default the [Your Name] Bank opens. If it does not, click the More Options icon [1]. Then, click the [Your Name] Bank link [2].
Note: If you are an admin, you can click the district item bank link.
View Item Titles
View the list of items in the item bank [1]. By default, they are sorted alphabetically. To change the sort order, you can click the Sort drop-down menu [2], and select an option. You can sort items in order by title, by Bloom's Taxonomy value, date created, or Depth of Knowledge (DOK).
Locate Item
To locate an item to edit, you can use the search and filtering options.
To search by item title, enter text in the Search Items field [1].
To filter the item list to only items that have passages, click the Has Passage checkbox [2].
To filter the item list for items in a particular subject, click the Subject drop-down menu [3] and select a subject.
To view additional filters, click the Expand icon [4]. Then, filter the item list by clicking any of the following drop-down menus:
- Item Type [5]: filters by item type
- Blooms [6]: filters by Bloom's Taxonomy value (Creating, Evaluating, Analyzing, Applying, Understanding, Remembering)
- Difficulty [7]: filters by level of difficulty (Low, Medium, High)
- Language [8]: filters by English and Spanish, English Only, or Spanish Only
Edit Item
To preview an item, click the item title [1] or the Edit icon [2]. View the item details and preview [3].
To edit the item, click the Edit button [4].
Edit Item Details

To edit the item title, enter the new name in the Title field [1].
To edit subject, core, class, or standard, click the Delete this Standard icon [2]. Then, use the drop-down menus to select new options.
To add an additional standard, click the Add Another Standard icon [3].
To edit language, Blooms Taxonomy, difficulty, or depth of knowledge use the drop-down menus to select new options [4].
To save item detail changes and proceed to make changes to the item content, click the Continue button [5].
Alternatively, to save just the item detail changes, click the Save as Draft button [6].
Note: The question type can not be changed in the edit menu.
Edit Item Content
As needed, make any changes to the item content. You can learn more about the item type you are editing.
To undo any changes, click the Undo button [1].
To redo any changes you undid, click the Redo button [2].
To add a passage or other item-level tool, click the Add Feature button [3].
Save Content Changes
To save the item as a draft and keep editing enabled, click the Save As Draft button [1]. When you save an item as a draft, it can be edited and deleted in your personal item bank and by admins in the district teacher item bank.
To disable editing and share the item with teachers in your district, click the Publish button [2]. When you publish an item, it displays in the district teacher item bank and is available to all users in your district. You can delete the item from your personal item bank, and admins can delete the item from the district teacher item bank.
To disable editing and share the item with admins only, click the Publish & Reserve button [3]. When you publish and reserve an item, you can delete it in your personal item bank, and admins can view and delete the item in the district teacher item bank.
To undo all changes and return to the Create New Item page, click the Go Back button [4].