How do I use the isFactorised mathematical scoring method when creating a math item?
When you create a math item in Mastery Connect, you can select one of the available mathematical scoring methods. The isFactorized scoring method checks that the expression entered by a student is in factorised form. For example, if a student's response is 2x+4, it is scored as incorrect because the expression is not in a factored form of 2(x+2). Refer to additional examples below.
The isFactorised scoring method requires you to select one of the following numerical fields:
- integer
- real numbers
- complex numbers
- The isFactorised scoring method works with polynomials up to the second degree.
- The isFactorised scoring method works with decimals and variables.
- You can combine the isFactorized scoring method with other scoring methods, such as the equivSymbolic scoring method.
Create Math Item

Create or edit a math item. Learn more about creating a math formula item, image cloze math formula item, or cloze math formula item.
Enter a question stem in the Compose question field [1]. You can also enter a formula template [2].
Select Method

In the Set correct answer(s) section, enter a point value for the item in the Point(s) text box [1].
Click the Method drop-down menu, and select the isFactorised option [2].
Note: To view the Method drop-down menu, you may need to click the response Expand icon [3].
Select Field

By default, the isFactorised scoring method checks for factored expressions involving integers. To select a different numerical field, click the Field drop-down menu [1]. Then select the Real or Complex option [2].
Allow Different Separators

By default, a dot is allowed as a decimal value separator and a comma is allowed as a thousands separator. To allow different separators in student responses, click the Allow decimal marks checkbox [1].
To specify a decimal separator, click the Decimal separator menu [2], and select the Dot or Comma option.
To specify a type of separator for thousands, click the Thousands separator drop-down menu [3], and select the Dot, Comma, or Space option.
Note: You cannot select the same option for both the Decimal separator and the Thousands separator. For example, you cannot select Dot for both.
Any student response that is in factored form is scored as correct. Otherwise, it is scored as incorrect.
- A student response of 3x is scored as correct with the isFactorised scoring method.
- A student response of 34 is scored as correct with the isFactorised scoring method.
- A student response of (x-5)(x+2) is scored as correct with the isFactorised scoring method.
- A student response of 2x+4x is scored as incorrect with the isFactorised scoring method.
- A student response of x2-3x-10 is scored as incorrect with the isFactorised scoring method.
You can combine the isFactorised scoring method with the equivSymbolic scoring method. For example, if you set the correct answer to (x-1)(x-2) using the equivSymbolic method, and then add the isFactorised method, a student response of x2-3x+2 is scored as incorrect. Although it is symbolically equivalent to the correct answer, it is not in factored form.
Validate Answers

You can check whether student answers will be scored as correct or incorrect. Enter an answer into the sample answer field [1]. Correct answers receive the full number of points [2].

Incorrect answers receive 0 points.