How do I exclude a tracker from a progress report?
After an administrator has created progress reports for a school, teachers or administrators may exclude trackers from progress reports to prevent data being pulled into the progress report. This is helpful if a teacher uses the tracker primarily for their own needs, or if they are not ready to share the tracker data.
Teachers should exclude trackers before administrators generate the progress report.
In the Global Navigation menu, click the Trackers link [1]. Then click a tracker name link [2].
Open Progress Reports
Click the More Options button [1]. Click the Reporting option [2], then click the Progress Reports link [3].
View Available Progress Reports

On the Progress Reports Available page, you can view progress reports that are available [1] as well as the terms they cover [2]. You can also view each tracker used in the progress report [3].
Exclude Tracker

To prevent tracker data from being included in the progress report, click the tracker's Exclude from report link.
Re-include Tracker

To re-include a tracker in a progress report, click the Include This Tracker link.