Start Window: ensuring students start at roughly the same time

Community Explorer

Would it be possible for New Quizzes to ha an optional "Start Window" setting added?  This way, there can be a set smaller window (5-minutes for example) where all students have to start the exam, regardless of how much time they have to take the exam (normal availability).

This idea is to assist where there may be a longer exam and some students are able to finish quicker to relay exam information to other students.  This can be exaggerated for exams where some students may have a 100% accommodation to the duration of the exam.

This matter has come to our Support Team at Florida State University.  An instructor has a number of students with 100% accommodations who are actively waiting thirty-or-more minutes to start their exam.  There's the concern that the students may be waiting till others in the class finish and relay exam information to them.  While we will be recommending the use of proctors to enforce a time, it may be a nice addition to New Quizzes to ensure enforcement of this without needing a live proctor present (such as a remote, or Honorlock, exam).