How do I use tags when aligning by standard?

In the Elevate Standards Alignment App, when alignment tags are enabled, you can tag a predicted learning object when you accept it for alignment by standard.

View Predicted Learning Objects

View Predicted Learning Objects

Follow the steps to align by standard.

In the Predictions tab of the Alignment page, predicted learning objects for the selected standard display [1].

When alignment tags are enabled, the Accept icon drop-down displays [2].

Select Tag

Select Tag

Click the Accept icon drop-down menu [1]. Then, select a tag name [2].

When you tag a predicted learning object, the alignment is accepted and moved to the Aligned tab. Rejected alignments can not be tagged.

Note: You can assign only one tag to a learning object in the Predictions tab, but you can add additional tags from the Aligned tab.

View Aligned Object

View Aligned Object

On the Aligned tab, the learning object displays the tag [1].

To add additional tags, click the Accept icon drop-down menu [2] and select a tag name.

To delete a tag, click the Delete icon on the tag label [3].