How do I upload artifacts to a collection as a teacher in the Student Growth Portfolio?

You can upload artifacts to sample groups in collections in which you are enrolled. Each collection has two sample groups - Point A and Point B. Each sample group includes subsets for different mastery levels. Mastery levels in sample groups include emerging, proficient, and advanced.

When uploading artifacts, you can upload from your computer, Google Drive, or other connected services.

View Collections

Click the My Collections link [1] and then click the name of the collection you want to manage [2].

View Sample Details

View Sample Details

Each collection includes two sample groups - Point A and Point B - and each group includes three levels of mastery - emerging, proficient, and advanced. To upload artifacts to a mastery level, click the corresponding Upload artifacts link.

Upload Artifacts

Upload Artifacts

In the Upload Artifacts modal, select the upload type. You can upload a file from your computer [1], import from Google Drive [2], or import from other services [3]. You can also drag and drop a file from your computer [4].

Select File

Select File

Select the file [1] and click the Open button [2].

Depending on the upload option you selected, you may need to confirm additional details.

Manage File

Manage File

To remove the file, click the Delete icon [1].

To add another file to the group, click the Add another file link [2].

Save File

Save File

When you have added all the files to upload to the group, you have two options to save the file. To score the sample group later, click the Save & Score Later button [1]. To score the sample group immediately, click the Save & Score Now button [2].

Learn more about scoring artifacts.

View Uploaded Artifact

View Uploaded Artifact

View the uploaded artifact.

To manage the artifact, click the Manage artifacts link. Manage options include deleting the artifact and adding another file to the sample.