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Course Settings (Instructors)

Course Settings (Instructors)

In this video, you will learn about course settings. 

Last updated 2023-06-02


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Course Settings (Instructors) Video Script


In this video, you will learn about course settings. Consider testing course settings in your beta or test environment first so you don’t make any unwanted changes to your course.

To get started, click the Settings link in Course Navigation. You can manage general course settings in the Course Details tab. You may be able to add a course image that will display in the Dashboard for course users. You can view basic course information, such as the course name, course code, course template, time zone, SIS ID, sub-account, and term. Some of these settings may be editable based on permissions assigned by your institution. In the Participation drop-down menu, you may be able to limit course participation to term dates set by your institution or enter unique course dates that dictate when users can participate in your course. You can also select if students can view your course before or after participation dates. To change the course language, select an option from the Language drop-down menu. This option impacts everything in your course except content areas, and is only recommended for courses conducted in that language. The Course Details section also displays your course file storage quota. Course quotas are set by an administrator. You can enable SpeedGrader to launch filtered by student groups for large courses. You can also manage your course grading scheme, license, file copyright, visibility, and format using the available drop-down menus and checkboxes. If your course is part of your institution's public course index, you can include a description for your course in the Description field. To view and select additional course options, click the more options link. To save your changes, click the Update Course Details button.

In the Sections tab, you can create and manage your course sections. Sections allow you to divide course enrollments and offer section-specific options within your course. You can view a list of your existing sections, edit a section name delete a section and add new sections. To view a list of enrollments in a section, click the name of the section. To edit section details, click the Edit Section button. You can edit the section name, select section participation dates, and cross-list the section. To save your changes, click the Update Section button. To return to your Course Settings, click the Back to Course Settings button.

In the Navigation tab, you can manage the Course Navigation links for users in your course. Reorder the navigation links by dragging and dropping them in your preferred order. To remove links from the Navigation Menu, move them to the hidden section. To save your changes, click the Save button.

In the Apps tab, you can add or modify learning tools that can be integrated within Canvas. To add a new app, search for the app’s name… and click the name of the app. Then click the Add App button. Enter configuration information for the App and click the Add App button. To view and manage previously installed apps, click the View App Configurations button. To manage an app installed at the course level, click the Settings button. You can edit configuration settings, manage placements, and delete the application. To view placements for an app managed by your institution, click the Information button.

The Feature Options tab provides the capabilities to turn various features off or on in your course. To view a feature option’s description, click the arrow icon next to the feature name. Enabled features display an Enabled icon. Disabled features display a Disabled icon. To enable or disable a feature option, click the icon. 

The Settings sidebar provides links for additional course actions. Some links may not be visible in your course. Click the Course Statistics link to view statistical information about your course assignments, students, and file storage. Click the Course Calendar link to quickly navigate to your course calendar. To conclude your course and disallow students from participating, click the Conclude this Course link. By default, courses automatically conclude at the end of the term. Click the Delete this Course link to delete your course. Deleted courses cannot be accessed by anyone, including yourself. Click the Copy this Course link to create a copy of your course. Click the Import or Export Course Content links to import or export course content. To reset your course to a blank shell and reset the course URL, click the Reset Course Content link. You will not be able to retrieve any course content after a course reset. Click Validate Links in Content to find and hide invalid or unresponsive links in your course.

Thanks for watching this Course Settings overview video. To learn more about Canvas, ask questions, or engage with other Canvas users, please visit

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